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Tips on Using the Listening Labs

You can use the listening labs in several ways. However, we have optimised the lab so that you can work in the following manner. 


Basic Workflow

First open your book, Diction for Singers, second edition,  and find the listening lab number above the sample words you are reading about, a number that looks like LL.03.02. Load that lab on the computer screen.

In the book, read the rule or description above the sample words, noting the individual sounds being discussed, practising them out loud.

Shifting your eyes to the screen, press the space bar, which will allow you to automatically work through the same sample words, first listening to the Coach, then recording your voice, alternating one after the other until you reach the end, keeping in the mind the rule and sounds as you move from word to word.

After reaching the end, the system will start the list over again at the top (a Preference setting controls this), shifting to listen mode automatically, so that you can listen to the coach and then to yourself, one after the other.

As you listen, at any time, click on any Coach icon to re-hear it or  click on any Me icon to re-hear your own voice. You might want to speed up how quickly your voice plays after the Coach's voice plays by sliding the horizontal slider. If you want to re-record your voice, simply click the record button and click a Me icon. Or start it over in record mode and work through the whole list.

When you are satisfied with your recordings, click the right arrow for the next lab. And repeat.


Interrrupting the flow in auto mode

Auto mode makes it easy to click once and go through the list of words continuously. Sometimes, however, you may want to pause. If so, just hit the space bar. When you are ready to start again, hit the spacebar again.

You may also want to re-hear the Coach, without having to stop the auto flow. If so, click the Coach icon and you will hear the Coach and the system will resume from that word forward.


Re-recording your voice

At any time, you can easily re-record your voice. You need to make sure the Record mode is active. (Click the Record button or press R. Pressing R toggles between turning recording on and off.) If you want to re-record just one word, click on the audio icon. If you like to hear the Coach again and re-record your voice, click on the words or the icon under Coach.

The first time you try to re-record, the listening labs will check with you to make sure you want to re-record, so you don't accidentally erase your work. It will give you several options for how you'd like to proceed.

